
  • Rhinoplasty is also known as a “Nose Job”. This operation involves changing the shape of the external nose. It is generally combined with a septoplasty which corrects and optimizes the nasal airway. The operation can be done for reconstructive and or cosmetic reasons.

Reduction of a dorsal nasal hump is a very common request when patients present for consultation.  This often requires correction of the bone and cartilage in the nose.  This will usually require breaking the lateral part of the nose as well which is called a lateral osteotomy to correct the width of the nose after taking down the “hump”.  Other changes that may be made include, altering the “height” of the nose or projection, the rotation of the tip and width of the nasal base.  This will all be addressed during the consultation with pre op digital photos.

This operation will not correct skin quality, pigmentation or thickness over the nasal dorsum. Some refinements can be more difficult to achieve in patients with thick sebaceous skin.

Is this operation right for you?

Good health and realistic expectations are important before proceeding with any surgery including Rhinoplasty.Patients with significant circulatory or medical conditions may not be candidates for this surgery.


Photos will be taken pre operatively and questions will be asked about any nasal airway obstruction (stuffy nose), your goals and expectations for surgery.  Physical examination of the nasal airway, external nose, skin type and any asymmetry of the nose will be carried out. You will also have a general examination of the head and neck, ears, and oral cavity during your visit. A general questionnaire will also be completed to determine you overall health and candidacy for surgery.

During your consultation advanced computer imaging software will be used to modify your nasal appearance to approximate the expected results and goals of your surgery. You will be given an opportunity to discuss what can be achieved with surgery and given recommendations about appropriate goals for your operation.

Rhinoplasty is usually done with a general anesthetic in a hospital facility. The type of anesthetic will be discussed at the time of the consultation. The nasal tip is often numb for at least 6 months after an open and occasionally, closed Rhinoplasty. The risks, incisions, post operative course and costs of for the procedure will also be outlined in the consultation.